Radiation Oncology
Hybrid Operating Room
Zephyr IR Patient Transfer and Positioning Systems for the Hybrid OR
Zephyr Overview
Simplify Patient Transfer
Hover Patients “On-Air” Across Multiple Imaging Modalities, Treatment Devices, & Hybrid ORs with Zephyr from Diacor
Seeing what you need to treat is key to driving better outcomes, not only in sophisticated radiation therapy protocols but also in hybrid operating rooms worldwide to monitor and adapt procedures in real-time.
While clinical teams increasingly recognize the value of multimodality image guidance, it’s still very difficult to move patients around quickly, comfortably, and accurately to various imaging devices, treatment delivery systems, and surgical units.
This is why Diacor invented patented hoverboard technology with the Zephyr Patient Positioning and Transfer System. Zephyr not only makes patient transfer easy with “on-air” hover capabilities, but it also maintains the patient’s position with submillimeter accuracy to ensure a seamless solution across CT, PET/CT, MR, Angio, and the treatment room or operating suite.
Diacor offers several configurations for the Zephyr hoverboard to meet the needs of Image-Guided Brachytherapy (IGBT), Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), Intraoperative MRI (iMRI), Interventional Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (iCMR), and other minimally-invasive Hybrid OR procedures.
Explore how Zephyr fits your needs.

Our Solutions
Global Experience & Installations
In 2011, Diacor released the Zephyr Patient Positioning and Transfer System to improve the treatment and care of cancer patients. The Zephyr system was the first patient transfer system designed specifically for radiation oncology procedures. It enables high-end imaging to be easily integrated into workflow for treatment. Today Diacor has hundreds of global installations and works closely with premier clinicians in luminary centers around the world. These long term-relationships have shaped our unique ability to understand the challenges associated with integrating MR, CT or other leading-edge imaging modalities into patient care. Our transfer system designs are the culmination of thousands of clinical procedures and our professional team working to provide the best transfer systems in cancer care.

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